By Rich Luke, Captain, USN (Ret.)
I do not recall that much about the day except the entire interview with the Admiral and one of the technical questions. I was asked to describe the latent heat of vaporization.
The Interview:
R: I see that your final class standing in high school was 3, after Plebe year, 44, sophomore year, 65, and after junior year, 97. At this trend, you’ll fail out of my program. How do you think you’ll do this year?
Me: Admiral, I’m doing much better and expect my GPA to improve each semester.
R: are you getting married after graduation?
Me: no sir. R: Fooling around with anyone?
Me: Nothing too seriously, Sir.
R: OK, get out.
(My GPA did go up 1st class year, though I was not required to commit to that in writing as many of my classmates did).