Rickover Recollections

Recollection from Margaret Lurie
"I am Hyman Rickover’s niece. My mother was his younger sister. He was a major part of my life when I was growing up." - Margaret Lurie

The Wrath of Rickover
"I could see the rage starting to build. I think it started somewhere in his neck, but maybe it started lower than that." - Captain William J. Toti, USN (Ret.)
Includes explicit language
This article was originally published in the US Naval Institute Proceedings. Copyright US Naval Institute. Reprinted with permission.

Three Recollections of Meetings with Admiral Rickover
"I look back and realize that I was part of Admiral Rickover’s amusement for the day with him smiling at times, something he was not known for." - Captain Jim Petersen, USNR (Ret.)

The Strangest Day of my Life
"I grew up with Admiral Hyman Rickover as my overlord." - Steve Stone

Rickover Experience – VADM R. F. Bacon
"I’ll let the letter from ENS Bacon to Vice Adm Rickover speak for itself." - Captain Butch Howard, USN (Ret.)

Admiral Rickover Observations
"I didn't have to sit and wait very long before I was called to enter the sparse office. It was nicer than I thought it would be; so was the Admiral." - Captain John Paulson, USN (Ret.)

Rickover’s International Impact
"It was the ingenious Admiral who initially, hand wrote the process based approach. [...] These notes by the Admiral were then loaned to the Royal Navy. [...] Conveniently the US as source and Admiral as the author seems to have been forgotten." - Dr. IJ Arora

My Admiral Rickover Story
"I started the tour and had not gotten but a few sentences out before Admiral Rickover really took over. He started by describing the valves at the Discharge Station as “works of art”, apparently appealing to a non-engineer." - Captain John J. Mackin, USN (Ret.)

Rickover Letters to RADM Roy S. Benson
"It was a Rickover tradition to "ride" a new SSBN during sea trials (prior to commissioning) to assure the quality of the boat and its crew. To commemorate the event, Rickover prepared a letter about the boat, but more importantly about the person for whom the boat was named." - Rick Connole

Recollection from Captain Eugene Holler
"The whole process took about 17 seconds, and I was escorted out of his office before my posterior barely grazed the seat of the chair in front of the admiral’s desk." - Captain Eugene Holler, USNR (Ret.)
UA 436.02.01 Admiral Hyman Rickover Photo Collection, Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC

Recollection from Winston H. Peterson
"He asked me if that wasn’t a total waste. I said I didn’t think so. He looked at me as though I had committed a deadly sin." - Winston H. Peterson
UA 436.02.03 Admiral Hyman Rickover Photo Collection, Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC

A Morning with Rickover
"My face must have gone white as I considered my dilemma. Here I was with the submarine force’s chief engineer and me, a newly promoted CDR, hoping someday soon to take command." - Captain Alan Lawver
DN-SN-82-05062 USS Atlanta (SSN-712), Archives Branch, Naval History and Heritage Command, Washington, DC

Meeting Admiral Rickover at the Commissioning of SSN-709

The Hidden Rickover

Recollection from Captain Mike Pestorius

Recollection from Lieutenant Robert G. Mahan

Recollections of Admiral Rickover

Admiral Rickover Recollection

Four Recollections of Admiral Rickover

Recollection from David Campbell

About the Kindly Old Gentleman

The Interview

Recollection from Tim Richard

Rickover Interview

Me and The Admiral

Recollection from Charlie Nesbitt

The Rickover Interview

The Rickover Interview

Admiral Rickover


Admiral Rickover Visits Chicago

Recollections of Encounters with Admiral Rickover

Admiral Hyman Rickover

The Rickover List
"I was given the list and proceeded to gather all of the items. A visit by Admiral Rickover was a very serious event and I recall everyone’s nerves being on edge." - Rick Riessen

Admiral Rickover

Rickover Memories